Upholstery Cleaning Services, a saving or a headache?
Do you keep on avoiding cleaning your sofa or curtain for days and more days? But in the end, the day comes when you do shred tears while cleaning upholstery…
4 Main Reasons as to why you need Laundry/ Dry Cleaning Services?
Are you the one tired of doing Laundry? And have to force yourself to wash your clothes and your entire weekend which is meant for me/family, time is spent in…
Are the Laundry services hygienic?
How many times does it come to your mind that your clothes are going to get washed with the dirty laundry of other people? Guess quite often. Human nature of…
How to treat Acne/ Pimples or Allergies on your face caused by dirty bedsheets or upholstery?
Have you been trying thousands of products for acne treatment or pimples, and nothing seems to work? Other than a burning hole in your pocket. Or is it the technique…
Do clothes fade with every wash or by dry cleaning?
This is a very common question asked by the salesperson while buying clothes or to a laundry service provider while giving them clothes for washing for the first time. But…