How to treat Acne/ Pimples or Allergies on your face caused by dirty bedsheets or upholstery?

Laundry & Dry Cleaning Services in Dubai

Have you been trying thousands of products for acne treatment or pimples, and nothing seems to work? Other than a burning hole in your pocket.

Or is it the technique of drinking 8-9 bottles that didn’t work this time?

Here are a few tips that may help you reduce your acne or even allergies.

1. Bedsheet & Upholstery Bacteria-

There could be chances that your upholstery  may be the reason behind your acne. How? Well, certain kinds of bacteria may not be seen with the naked eye but can cause a lot of skin problems like cystic acne, fungal infections, allergies, reddishness, swelling, etc. This could be the result of having saliva on your pillow cover or impressions of oil stains caused by oily skin on your bedsheet or because of any sort of food particles left on the bedsheet and upholstery.

Therefore, it is highly suggested to wash or dry clean your bedsheet almost every week and upholstery at least within 3-4 months.

2. Animal Hair-

A pet in your life can be a great surprise but with great surprises comes great responsibilities. Since the animal skin is very sensitive, in some cases they might have hidden bacteria or dander between their hair, or their hair tend to fall very often. Especially when they rest on the carpets, bedsheets, or even touch your house curtains or clothes. Which may cause allergies like sneezing, acne, rashes, runny nose, facial pressure, etc.

However, these can be prevented if you take the following measure:

  • Clean your clothes or your bedsheets thoroughly.
  • Train your pet not to enter your bedroom or sit on your bed or sofa.
  • Wash or dry clean their bed and stuff toys regularly.
3. Poorly washed clothes-

It is right to say that acne on your body can be caused by the material of the clothes, but did you know it may also be caused by not washing or dry-cleaning clothes properly?

This could be a cause of harsh stains like sweat or food stains which do not go easily with endless washes or even leftover detergent in clothes that might seem like a patch or is almost invisible but may cause body rash and acne which may further be spread into your whole body and face.

Therefore, it is suggested to take the help of professional Launders or Dry Cleaners when it comes to washing sensitive clothes or even uniforms.

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